The French Babbette

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Name Game

We've just been told by my Dr. that the due date for our little boy has been moved up, by 2 weeks! So that means I am now expecting on May 29th. And of course with the baby, must come a name, so what's in a name anyway? everyone has an opinion, a thought, a suggestion, a story...which is great i actually love hearing it all. The list we had grew and grew and grew and after it was all said and done we had over a hundred names. PHEW! a lot of them i knew weren't going to make the cut but it's still fun going through. Brent's sister Michelle gave me a couple of great books, one with all the names you could imagine and the other a book about what NOT to name your child, which was pretty funny! So over coffee I read the names off to Brent. He's more yes/no than I am, which is great. I like the stories, the meanings the weird sounds that names make and he will just say "No". Which definately helps put things in perspective. So...once we did that the list was minimized to...drumroll please...10 names, yep 10. Props to Rory for making a good case for his 2 recommendations: Drift and Otis. Brent quickly took those off but Rory gave us some insight into how cool those would be. We laughed...then quickly moved on...haha! So here's the final list in all it's glory, the best part is that everyone is going to have to wait to see what we actually pick!
Scully or Skulli
Kazuhito (Kaz)
Variations we're considering:
Zeke Osiris French
Scully Osiris French
Zeke Skulli Osiris French
Milo Albie French
Tycho Albie French
we'll I think you get the idea!

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posted by Suspicion of Mischief Association at 9:04 AM


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