The French Babbette

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Old School Professor

I just had to blog about Brent and his handsome ways. For Christmas my Mom got him an argyle sweater vest and he has been happily sporting it for a couple of months now. For his bday/valentines day I got him some new converses, blue and white, to match accordingly with the sweater vest ensemble. And over the weekend he picked up a couple of short sleeved button down shirts to wear under the sweater vest. Quite the dapper man I must say. I told him recently that he should have been a college professor in Montana because he's so intelligent, yet comfortably conservative, and now with the new duds, its' a perfect match for the college campus. Oh yea and the tattoos just add that extra flair, a contradictory in terms to some, but really he's just an open book. What you see is what you get, or is it? I'm often taken aback by stranger looks of Brent, pre-judgment if you will and wonder is this no different than giving someone odd looks because of skin color, dress, or the like? The assumption being that he's some rough and tumble biker dude. Quite the opposite once you get to know him. Infuriating at times for me because I'm the ultimate protector of my family, and disrespect is right up there on my pet peeve list. Brent tells me not to worry about it, who cares what they think, let em' look, and he surprises me by killing them with kindness and sincerity, often leaving them speechless. Now I try to replace fury with a chuckle and think if they only knew that his destiny is to be an old school college professor skipping through campus in his sweater vest and chuck taylor's, orating to young minds about info wars, ron paul and conservative republican values...oh if they only knew, they would be wishing they had a sweater vest too ;)
posted by Suspicion of Mischief Association at 10:05 AM


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