The French Babbette

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Rest of The Story...

I finished the last few pages of 'The Last Lecture' last night. Wow, I cried with every word, maybe the pregnancy hormones, maybe not, but either way I was left humbled. Reminded of how precious life is and how every minute should be cherished. The weird thing about the last few pages was that I was almost hesistating in reading them. I think I knew it was going to be emotional and though I never personally met Randy I felt a sort of *awe* inspired connection with his words and I suppose with him. Knowing that I too would have to say goodbye.

So here's the interesting rest of the homage to Paul Harvey who died a few days ago...
Last week I was talking to one of the guys I work with, Hemanth. We've worked together on and off since I've been here at Sony and our paths seem to cross at different stages. Now that we are working together again we of course have brief impromptu conversions about work/life and coincidently enough he brought up the book last week out of the blue. He'd actually seen the video of 'The Last Lecture' and said he was brought to tears. I told him the book had done the same to me and we compared stories and feelings about how amazing life is and how blessed we are to live in such a beautiful place with really everything at our fingertips.

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posted by Suspicion of Mischief Association at 9:49 AM


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